

Thanksgiving done...next...Joe's pinning...Christmas...New Year...Joe's Birthday...Valentine's Day...my Birthday...
So many events to prepare for...i did have something to do with our BOOS holiday party...but full credit will have to go to do the team...just willing slaves of the glitz and glamor of the holiday bling...i crave to plan...so it will be a stressful yet satiating time of the year...fundraisers, centerpieces, budget allocation, the dj, location location location...
My holiday list is out...yes...naughty or nice...you're in...such pocket-burners...but 'tis the season of giving...so i shall give and give without expectations...i love giving anyway...and i don't care what joe says...you will get something this year...promise...
-Lose weight...no exemptions...no buts
-Save up...take care of my finances so it will be a much better 2010
-Change ways...just be a better person in general...
-Work it...just as a couple...just keep working on us and how we can get pass this year...
-December 10-HPRC Holiday Party
-December 12-BOOS Holiday Party
-December 17-Joe's Pinning
-December 21-Kat's Birthday
-3Dinners-Dates Unknown-with the girls, with the BO people, with the tennis crew
-January 13-Joe's Birthday
-February 14-Valentine's Day
-March 8-My Birthday

Busy busy busy bee...and i don't even know what will be in between these dates...so must must must maintain resolve and continue to lose weight...that's my biggest challenge so far...next to money...only because ill be taking over the Camry next year and will start to go to school...help me Lord...i hope i will survive this...

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